[1][2] The Republican Party also re-nominated Vice President Mike Pence as Trump's running mate for the 2020 election. [121], Former Massachusetts governor Bill Weld became Trump's first major challenger in the Republican primaries following an announcement on April 15, 2019. The Democratic Senate caucus currently consists of 45 Democrats and two independents. We have to defeat the corrupt system that keeps people like him in power, and we need a fighter who's done it before. D'autres États qui ont été fortement républicains dans le passé, comme l'Arizona et le Texas, sont considérés comme des Etats clés en 2020 en raison du soutien croissant dont bénéficie le parti démocrate dans ces Etats. This constitutes 24 percent of all state supreme court seats in the country. Since the beginning of 2020, various major cities have seen incumbent mayors re-elected, including Bakersfield, California (Karen Goh);[30] Chesapeake (David West),[31] Fairfax City (David Meyer),[31] Fredericksburg (Mary Katherine Greenlaw),[31] and Hampton, Virginia (Donnie Tuck);[31] Milwaukee, Wisconsin (Tom Barrett);[32] and Sacramento, California (Darrell Steinberg). Pete Buttigieg narrowly defeated Bernie Sanders in Iowa, then Sanders edged out Buttigieg in the February 11, New Hampshire primary. This table shows the partisan results of president, congressional, gubernatorial, and state legislative races held in each state and territory in 2020. [34][35][36], Some presidential primary elections were severely disrupted by corona virus-related issues, including long lines at polling places, greatly increased requests for absentee ballots, and technology issues. "[63][64][65] At an August 17 campaign event in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, Trump said that "the only way we're going to lose this election is if this election is rigged". Depending on potential future vacancies and party switching, Republicans will need a net gain of approximately twenty seats to take control of the House of Representatives. [234], Various other minor party and independent candidate campaigns are on the ballot in several states, the most notable of these are activist and writer Gloria La Riva,[239] businessman and perennial candidate Rocky De La Fuente,[240] coal executive Don Blankenship,[241] entreprenuer Brock Pierce[242] and rapper Kanye West. Alpha Condé: le candidat des jeunes et des femmes ? Nebraska's unicameral legislature and the governorship and legislature of American Samoa are officially non-partisan. Le Congrès est la partie du gouvernement américain qui écrit et adopte les lois. My message to Putin is clear: stay out of American elections, and as president, I will make sure that you do. [35], Mayoral elections remain to be held in many cities, including:[36]. Il y a au total 538 grands électeurs. Elections américaines : en Floride, des célébrités paient pour que d'anciens détenus puissent voter. Comment des pays européens font-ils pour ramener les enfants à l'école? If no individual wins a majority of the electoral vote, then the United States House of Representatives will hold a contingent election to determine the winner. [124][125], Former Illinois representative Joe Walsh launched a primary challenge on August 25, 2019, saying, "I'm going to do whatever I can. Article Two of the United States Constitution states that for a person to serve as president, the individual must be a natural-born citizen of the United States, at least 35 years old and a United States resident for at least 14 years. Qui est le président de la transition au Mali ? © 2020 BBC. The Pivotal Year In Politics May Be 2020", "Demographic shifts show 2020 presidential race could be close", "Forget 2016: Democrats already have a plan for 2020", "Trump Impeached for Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress", "After 13 Hours Of Fiery Debate, Senate Adopts Impeachment Trial Rules", "Trump acquitted on impeachment charges, ending gravest threat to his presidency", "Trump rails against 'deranged' foes as Iowa rally clashes with impeachment trial", "Missing from Trump's rally: An impeachment diatribe", "Senators Campaign in Iowa Remotely as They Wait in Washington Through Trump's Trial", "Joe Biden Will Host 'Virtual Events' as Coronavirus Fears Heat Up", "Sanders and Biden Cancel Events as Coronavirus Fears Upend Primary", "Trump says he'll likely curtail rallies amid coronavirus", "Democratic debate moved from Arizona to Washington, DC, over coronavirus concerns, DNC announces", "Louisiana postpones Democratic primary over coronavirus, the first state to do so", "Georgia presidential primaries postponed over coronavirus concerns", "Kentucky secretary of state says primary postponed", "Maryland postpones primary, shifts special election to mail voting over coronavirus", "Coronavirus: Ohio Supreme Court allows delay to primary election", "10 questions about the 2020 election during the coronavirus pandemic, answered", "As coronavirus pandemic delays 2020 primaries, is it time to worry about the November election? She is the first person representing the Western United States to appear on the Democratic Party presidential ticket.[163]. [92] As of May 19, 2020, there were 350 outstanding matters on the agency's enforcement docket and 227 items waiting for action. [46] Stephanie Bryan, the first woman to serve as chair of the Poarch Band of Creek Indians, also won reelection. As with other elections in the country, the coronavirus pandemic disrupted many elections, delaying primaries and shifting some voting from in-person to postal. The individual who wins a majority of the presidential electoral vote (270 of the 538 electoral votes) will win election to a term lasting from January 20, 2021 to January 20, 2025. "[116][117] Maine senator Susan Collins, Kentucky senator Rand Paul, and former New Jersey governor Chris Christie all expressed doubts in 2017 that Trump would be the 2020 nominee, with Collins stating, "It's too difficult to say. [71] Trump also stated he expected the Supreme Court to decide the election and that he wanted a conservative majority in case of an election dispute, reiterating his commitment to have a 9th justice following the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. (endorsed Biden)8,823,936 votes1,073 delegates, (endorsed Biden)2,668,057 votes58 delegates, (endorsed Biden)2,430,062 votes43 delegates, (endorsed Biden)874,727 votes21 delegates, (endorsed Warren, then Biden)36,694 votes, (endorsed Biden andnominated for vice president)844 votes, (endorsed Gabbard and Sanders, then Howie Hawkins)0 votes[c], Jo Jorgensen, who was the running mate of author Harry Browne in 1996, received the Libertarian nomination at the national convention on May 23, 2020. The six non-voting congressional delegates from the District of Columbia and the permanently inhabited U.S. territories will also be elected. Comme la plupart des systèmes électoraux, le collège électoral a ses partisans et ses opposants, mais il est largement respecté en raison de ses racines historiques qui remontent à la fondation des États-Unis. Trump secured the Republican nomination without any serious opposition alongside incumbent vice president Pence. Incumbent president Donald Trump is the Republican nominee, and had few opponents in the 2020 Republican Party presidential primaries. Parmi les anciens présidents démocrates figurent John F. Kennedy et Barack Obama. Special elections may be held for vacancies in the other states and territories, if required by respective state and territorial constitutions. [24][25] This is also the first time since the modern presidential primaries were established in 1911 that a president has been subjected to impeachment while the primary season was underway. The general election in November is also an indirect election, in which voters cast ballots for a slate of members of the Electoral College; these electors then directly elect the president and vice president. Les États ont également des règles différentes sur la question de savoir si les prisonniers peuvent voter. On August 11, 2020, Biden announced that his running mate would be Senator Kamala Harris, making her the first African-American, the first Indian-American, the first Asian-American, and the third female vice presidential nominee on a major party ticket. Elections américaines - Le New York Times affirme cette nuit que Donald Trump n'a pas du tout payé d'impôt sur le revenu pendant 10 des 15 dernières années According to the President, the mainstream media was responsible initially "downplaying the effects of the virus". [157] On April 8, 2020, Sanders dropped out, reportedly after being convinced by former president Barack Obama, leaving Biden as the only major candidate remaining, and the presumptive nominee. [48], Kristopher Peters was elected Squaxin Island Tribe tribal council chairman, defeating incumbent Arnold Cooper,[49] and Joseph Tali Byrd defeated long-time Quapaw Nation Business Committee Chairman John Berrey. [31] [123] In addition, businessman Rocky De La Fuente also entered the race, but was not widely recognized as a major candidate. [256] However, due to the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, it was instead decided to conduct the convention online, without a change in date. He defends this practice by differentiating between mail voting and absentee voting, defending the latter while condemning the former. [88] In August 2020, President Trump conceded that the post office would need additional funds to handle the additional mail-in voting, but said he would block any additional funding for the post office to prevent any increase in balloting by mail. Voters will select presidential electors who in turn will vote on December 14, 2020, to either elect a new president and vice president or reelect the incumbents Donald Trump and Mike Pence respectively. Donald Trump, 74 ans, et Joe Biden, 78 ans, sont les deux candidats en lice pour l'élection présidentielle de novembre. The analysis predicted that 80 million ballots could be cast by mail in 2020—more than double the number in 2016. It will be the 59th quadrennial presidential election. Elections américaines : pourquoi voter peut aider des associations caritatives ? [77][78], Voting by mail has become an increasingly common practice in the United States, with 25% of voters nationwide mailing their ballots in 2016 and 2018. L' élection présidentielle américaine de 2020, cinquante-neuvième élection présidentielle américaine depuis la première de 1788-1789, aura lieu le 3 novembre 2020 . [19], The House of Representatives voted to impeach President Trump on two counts on December 18, 2019. Le président en fonction, Donald Trump, est candidat à un second mandat. Democrats have held a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives since the 2018 elections, while Republicans have held control of the U.S. Senate since the 2014 elections. En 2000, la duel entre le candidat républicain George W Bush et le candidat démocrate Al Gore était si serré que seul le résultat du vote en Floride permettait de les séparer mais à quelques centaines de voix près seulement. [122] Weld, who was the Libertarian Party's nominee for vice president in 2016, was considered a long shot because of the popularity of Trump within his own party and Weld's positions on issues such as abortion, gun control and same-sex marriage that conflicted with conservative positions on those issues. Écrit et produit par Mike Hills, Evisa Terziu et Prina Shah. [260][261] Les démocrates ont déjà le contrôle de la Chambre, ils chercheront donc à le conserver tout en gagnant le contrôle du Sénat. La Floride et l'Ohio sont traditionnellement des "swing states". Thirteen state and territorial governorships, as well as numerous other state and local elections, will also be contested. The second debate was initially set to be held at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan, but the university withdrew in June 2020, reportedly over concerns regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. Mais ne réglez pas encore vos réveils. Some or all of the legislative chambers not holding regularly-scheduled elections in 2020 may nonetheless hold special elections in 2020. Republicans won control of the Senate in the 2014 Senate elections and retained that majority through the 2016 and 2018 Senate elections. [26] The impeachment process overlapped with the primary campaigns, forcing senators running for the Democratic nomination to remain in Washington for the trial in the days before and after the Iowa caucuses. Les deux hommes sont septuagénaires : M. Trump aurait 74 ans au début de son second mandat, tandis qu'à 78 ans, M. Biden serait le plus âgé de tous les présidents de l'histoire à avoir effectué un premier mandat. [20] The trial in the Senate began on January 21, 2020,[21] and ended on February 5, resulting in acquittal by the United States Senate.

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