Original Art, Painting (11.8x7.9 in) by Isabelle Blanchon (France) Please contact us for the availability of this work. Take a trip to Cafe De Nattes – the most famous cafe in town – for shisha in its ornate and unusual interior, or just enjoy having the moonlit streets to yourself. The streets of Sidi Bou Said, most of which are quaint cobbled streets, are lined for the most part with souvenir shops, cafe’s, and art shops. Located about 22 kilometres from Tunis, Sidi Bou Saïd, a charming little village above the bay, is very worth a visit. listeners: [], Sidi Bou Said is a village of international fame. Sidi Bou Said Tourism: Tripadvisor has 4,430 reviews of Sidi Bou Said Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Sidi Bou Said resource. Les maisons de Sidi Bou Saïd qui combinent l'architecture arabe et andalouse et qui sont d'une blancheur éclatante et aux portes bleues, sont dispersées au hasard de ruelles tortueuses. It overlooks the luminescent Bay of Tunis, with a steep road leading down to a pleasant beach and marina. Sidi Bou Said ou Sidi Bousaid (em árabe: سيدي بو سعيد; em francês: Sidi Bou Saïd) é uma vila e município da costa nordeste da Tunísia, situada aproximadamente 20 km a nordeste do centro de Tunes.Em 2004 o município tinha 4 793 habitantes. ... Carthage - Sidi Bou Saïd - Duration: 11:35. La renommée internationale du village fut acquise dès 1912 grâce à un baron anglais qui y fit construire un somptueux palais. The city of Sidi Bou Said is truly magnificent and one of the most charming places in the world. The village took his name and his tomb still attracts pilgrims (although it was largely burned in a fire in 2012). Many of the domed buildings were built in his honour. Det er nu en velhaver- og kunstnerby berømt for sine hvidkalkede huse med blåmalede vinduer og døre. Stick to street food and simple classics. It was named in his honor - Sidi Bou Said. Tunisia’s Sidi Bou Said, with its clifftop setting, pretty whitewashed houses, and ornate blue doors, might just be the prettiest village you’ve never heard of. The UK Government has now declared most of Tunisia safe for travel again*, following improvements in security in the main tourist areas. Instead, the streets become silent as night falls and locals retreat to cafes in the modern end of town. Found this post useful? Sidi Bou Saïd er en mindre by, der ligger ca. I was lucky enough to visit Sidi Bou Said before the Arab Spring whilst sailing across the Mediterranean with the Phoenician Ship Expedition. Sidi Bou Said now forms part of a UNESCO World Heritage site along with the nearby ruins of Carthage. Artists have long been attracted by the light and the colours here. } { A aldeia de Sidi Bou Said, no cimo de uma colina, destaca-se de toda a Tunísia pelas suas paredes caiadas de branco com portas e janelas azul-turquesa e uma imponente vista sobre o golfo de Tunes, que vale bem o esforço da subida por entre ruelas calcetadas cheias de comerciantes à espera de turistas para apresentarem jóias, frascos de perfume e óleos aromáticos. Baron, Rodolphe d’Erlanger, who was a French painter and a musicologist, introduced the blue and white theme. It is known to be a world-wide heritage of the UNESCO. There is a road down to the beach at the base of the cliff if that turquoise water calls you. His hilltop palace, Dar Ennejma Ezzhara (the ‘The Star of Venus’ or ‘Sparkling Star’) hosted many musicians, artists and writers of the period, and is now a Museum of Arab and Mediterranean Music. Trains leave Tunis Marine TGM station in the Ville Nouvelle every 15 mins, take 35 minutes to Sidi Bou Said, and cost around 2 dinars. But Sidi Bou Said is just 18km by train from the Tunis, the capital of Tunisia. ); The walls and staircases of the age-old buildings are of marble white, while the doors, window frames, shutters, andmoucharabiehsare of blue color. I don’t know why these haven’t taken over the world yet. Families head for the beach and bohemian youth to the shisha cafes. See the FCO page for further information. 12 original prints / Tirage original, 12 exemplaires. The best time to visit is early autumn or spring (March-early April/late October-November), before the assault of package tourists begins, when you can still walk alone on the narrow streets, around white-blue traditional houses, enjoying the views. In the 19th and 20th centuries, Sidi Bou Said became a popular retreat for writers and artists: Flaubert, Chateaubriand, Simone de Beauvoir, and Matisse all passed through. To top off the sensory feast, jasmine and orange blossom scent the air here, with secret gardens and flower-filled courtyards hidden amongst the streets. This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of English in the United States. Restaurant food here is, in general, disappointingly mediocre. Discover The World … The village itself is lined with luxury houses built for wealthy politicians and is immaculately maintained. Sidi-Bou-Saïd,vue sur mer - Tunisie. A mix of the charming, modern, and tried and true. Sidi Bou Said, Tunísia, a cidade mais pitoresca da minha viagem ao país, com ares da ilha grega de Santorini. Livraison incluse via Chronopost International. The local speciality craft here is wire bird cages which echo the village with their domed shapes and ornate blue and white filigree. Sidi Bou Said (Arabic: سيدي بو سعيد ) is a toun in northren Tunisie (it is locatit ae 20 km frae the caipital o Tunisie, Tunis).. event : evt, Sidi Bou Said is a small village and a popular weekend escape for Tunisians. - fotografia de stock editorial 136157474 da coleção Depositphotos, de entre milhões de fotos de alta resolução, imagens vetoriais e ilustrações. 20 km fra Tunis by og tæt på romertidens Karthago i Tunesien.Byen har 5.873 indbyggere. Em 2010, resolvi levar minha mãe para passar as … The village retains its artistic influence; the streets are dotted with small galleries, workshops and traders. You might be forgiven for thinking that this sugar cube-and-blue village overlooking a turquoise sea is in Greece. Centre des Musiques Arabes et Mediterraneennes. * Parts of the south and interior and certain areas near the borders with Algeria and Libya should still be avoided, and vigilance is advised at religious sites and during festivals. You can also make your way down the steep road to the beach for a day in the sun. Sidi Bou Saïd is a place … Can't-miss spots to dine, drink, and feast. Descarregue Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia - December 27 2016: Typical Tunisian, Arabian, Mediterranean architecture in Sidi Bou Said, famous touristic town near Tunis, Tunisian capital.North African Mediterranean coast. The most popular activity in Sidi Bou Said is to drink in the views from one of the numerous cafes or terraces. The road climbs the hill, passing at first well-maintained white houses, always with blue details and plants and flowers all over. Date Completed 1973 Address Sidi Bou Said, Sidi Bou Said, Ariana Governorate Associated names. Stroll around the streets and you’ll spot the occasional rebellious red and yellow door. Moucharabiehs—the name for the wooden latticework screens around balconies and windows — keep interiors cool but ventilated and provide a further canvas. Artists who have lived in or visited Sidi Bou Said include famous occultist Aleister Crowley, Paul Klee, Gustave … You can’t go wrong with salade tunisienne – Tunisia’s take on a niçoise, with tuna, olives, and harissa. Here's what to do, what to eat, and where to stay whilst you're there. It is situated on the gulf of Tunis. 572,057 were here. It wasn't until the early 1920s that the town adopted its striking blue and white color scheme, however. Tunisia's Sidi Bou Said, with its clifftop setting, pretty whitewashed houses, and ornate blue doors, might just be the prettiest village you've never heard of - but is one of the don't-miss destinations in this fascinating country. Even with crowds, Sidi Bou Said somehow feels simultaneously touristy and undiscovered. With its colours and domes, it bears a certain resemblance to iconic Santorini. Most famously, Klee, Macke and Moilliet made the ‘Journey to Tunis’ in 1914; the resulting paintings and sketches are a highlight of early Modernism. Welcome to Sidi Bou Saïd With its distinctive blue-and-white colour scheme, cobbled streets and jaw-dropping glimpses of azure waters, the cliff-top village of Sidi Bou Saïd is one of the prettiest spots in Tunisia. window.mc4wp.listeners.push( Sidi Bou Said is an excellent “base of operations” for your trip to Tunisia. The village is a breath of fresh air after busy Tunis and serves as a weekend getaway for the city’ artists, bohemian youth, families and elite, as well as being a key stop on the Tunisia itineraries of tours and cruises. Source: Aga Khan Trust for Culture. Sidi Bou Said a town in northern Tunisia located about 20 km from the capital, Tunis. Il compte 5 911 habitants selon le recensement de 20142. Until recently it was also a popular day trip stop for the resorts fanning out along the coast and cruise liners docking at the nearby La Goulette port. from 750.00. Sidi Bou Saïd este un oraș în nordul Tunisiei, situat la 20 km nord-est de capitala țării, orașul Tunis, pe malul Mării Mediterane.Are 5,4 mii de locuitori ().Este una din cele mai vechi și renumite stațiuni de pe coasta nord-africană a Mediteranei. Traffic is OK. Click to save to Pinterest: (function() { Hunt out the workshop of Azouz Samouda to purchase the original and best. Walking through its narrow streets reveals an incredible mastery of art. 18.06.2016 - Sidi Bou Saïd vue par les peintres - Sidi Bou Said seen by painters - Sidi Bou Said von Malern gesehen. 5 août 2013 - Découvrez le tableau "Sidi Bou Said " de imene Klilib sur Pinterest. It is on the Tunis, Carthage TGM light rail line (station Sidi Bou Said). That said, if you’re only in Tunis for a short amount of time and want to pack a lot into one then tours are available which include nearby sites such as the Bardo Museum, Carthage, or a guided tour of Tunis Medina. Ouverture - Sidi Bou Saïd N° 9/12. Previously it had advised against all non-essential travel following terrorist attacks in 2015. It’s easily accessible on the train line from Carthage. Sidi Bou Saïd has retained not only the picturesque quality of a village, but its very essence." There is free parking (uphill, to the right), which may be overbooked on weekends. Abou Saïd Khalafa ben Yahia – this 13th-century teacher and Sufi retreated to the hilltop fort in later life and his presence was believed to protect Tunis from sea attacks. Sidi Bou Said Municipality Technical Bureau (architect/planner) The evening brings a different atmosphere. more, Sidi Bou Said Tourism: Best of Sidi Bou Said, Create a Trip to save and organize all of your travel ideas, and see them on a map. Weitere Ideen zu Gemälde, Tunesien, Fauvismus. You won’t find sunset cocktails here as the village faces west. } Sidi Bou Said is short on budget options (there’s no hostel) but excellent for chi chi mid-range. Whilst you’re here, explore the legacy of the people who have shaped the village. It doesn’t take long to explore the tangle of narrow streets and there’s not much to do but recline in a variety of outdoor seating in cafes, people-watch and admire the sea views. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème tunisie, sidi bou said, pays afrique. callback: cb Date Completed 1973 Address Sidi Bou Said, Sidi Bou Said, Ariana Governorate Associated names. It’s not really necessary to take a tour to Sidi Bou Said as the train is very easy to use and. })(); For all the legal bits go to my Disclaimer and Privacy Policy, Exploring the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Ancient Carthage, The Phoenician Ship Expedition in Sunsets. Guest houses by region Tunis-Sidi-Bou-Saïd Djerba-Zarzis Tozeur-Nefta Nabeul-Hammamet Sousse-Monastir-Mahdia Bizerte-Tabarka-Kef Sahara: La Chambre Bleue. Baron Rodolphe d’Erlanger – a French baron, musicologist and patron of the arts who moved to Sidi Bou Said in 1907. It soon enters the zone of tourist stalls. The Blue Room (Dar Ben Miled) is a 40 m 2 B & B, located in the heart of the Medina of Tunis , in a historic house.It includes a large room with a living room and sofa bed, an alcove with a double bed, a closet and a bathroom. The streets are blindingly bright in the midday sun, but the surroundings here are surprisingly lush, with pops of pink bougainvillaea and geraniums accenting the blue and white colour scheme. Sidi Bou Saïd has retained not only the picturesque quality of a village, but its very essence." Sidi Bou Said : History Leisure Situated 20 km North of Tunis, Sidi Bou Said owes its name to the Muslim saint Abu Said Ibn Khalef Ibn Yahia El-Beji, whose tomb is under a cupola, near the famous Café El Allia (Café des Nattes). Prints available from €19 | $23.03 Dar Said is the classic luxe option in town. Deal-hunters might also consider nearby resorts such as La Marsa. window.mc4wp = window.mc4wp || { Sidi Bou Said is a village in Tunisia. Source: Aga Khan Trust for Culture. } on: function(evt, cb) { Round it all off with bambaloni, a traditional doughnut, from one of the street traders. Just leave from the main street and all the other tourists. Since it is located very close to Tunis, there is plenty of things to do in and around the town. Sidi Bou Saïd (arabe : سيدي بو سعيد Écouter) est un village de Tunisie situé à une vingtaine de kilomètres au nord-est de Tunis. It’s a somewhat manicured version of the exotic but beautiful nonetheless. Sidi Bou Said has a reputation as a town of artists. Sidi Bou Said Municipality Technical Bureau (architect/planner) A thin deep-fried filo pastry, briks distinguish themselves with their circular shape and addition of runny egg yolk to a spicy tuna or mince filling. ERELIM montage FILM de JUIN 2012 et ses PHOTOS sur SIDI BOU SAID Tunisie. This beautiful historic hotel is riad-style with 24 intricately-decorated rooms around a central courtyard, a small outdoor pool with views across the Mediterranean, and a hammam for guests. You may drive by car. The toun got its name for a Muslim releegious figure who lived there, Abou Said ibn Khalef ibn Yahia Ettamini el Beji (afore he came alang, it wis cawed Jabal el-Menar). Haut-lieu touristique aux couleurs de la mer Méditerranée, classé depuis 1915, le site est surnommé le « petit paradis blanc et bleu ». The same goes for briks. The Pala… The ‘Blue Train’ links with Tunis Sidi Bou Said and the nearby Carthage ruins. } forms: { Le 28 août 1915, un décret est pris pour assurer la protection du village, imposant le bleu et le blanc si chers au baron d'Erlanger et interdisant toute construction anarchique sur le promontoire, faisant de Sidi Bou Saïd le premier site classé au monde. It’s much more difficult than it looks). Places to see, ways to wander, and signature experiences. You’ll find cafes, parasols, loungers and watersports available (I tried windsurfing! If you are a resident of another country or region, please select the appropriate version of Tripadvisor for your country or region in the drop-down menu. ‘The Baron’ poured funds into the village and lobbied the local government to grant it protected status, including the blue and white paint scheme. All the buildings in the city are painted white with perfect shades of blue. Cafes are notable for their views rather than the food so head to Café Sidi Chabaane or Cafes des Delices for your mint tea with pine nuts (thé aux pignons). Everything in Sidi Bou Said centers around Rue Habib Thameur.