Dziewięć osób zostało wypuszczonych z aresztu bez postawienia im zarzutów. [7], On 21 October a national memorial for Paty, prepared in consultation with his family,[85] was held at the Sorbonne. Dans un pays normalement constitué - à fortiori "démocratique" comme il se prétend - l'employeur, qui est l'Etat, devait porter plainte pour défendre son employé contre des accusations et des appels à la haine et à la violence dont il était victime. Hommage à Samuel Paty Sa famille a choisi un titre très émouvant Par La rédaction Le 21 octobre 2020 à 20h22 . [8], In Pontoise, an Algerian man was convicted of glorifying terrorism and sentenced to six months in custody for calling the murderer a martyr; he was to be deported at the end of the sentence and banned from France for a decade. He always wanted to give them a human face, discover the richness of otherness. "Il était à fond dans son métier", qu'il "aimait beaucoup", confie Martial, l'un de ses élèves à nos confrères de RTL. Samuel Paty, professeur dans un collège de Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, a été assassiné par un terroriste à la sortie des cours. [132], According to researcher Liam Duffy, anglophone media reporting in Britain and the United States received criticism in France for misrepresenting the attack and presenting France as the villain. Abdullakh Anzorov recently showed signs of radicalization. Ces mêmes images - notamment la une de Charlie Hebdo au lendemain des attaques de janvier 2015 - avaient été montrées l’année précédente en classe pour alimenter un débat sur la liberté d’expression, sans que cela ne crée de vague, selon Clémence, 13 ans, qui avait assisté au cours l’an passé. Zamordowany nauczyciel historii Samuel Paty zostanie pośmiertnie odznaczony Orderem Narodowym Legii Honorowej - zapowiedział minister edukacji Francji. [87][88] Texts read at the ceremony included Jean Jaurès's Lettre aux instituteurs et institutrices (lit. [125] Clerics at the Shia holy city of Qom denounced Macron and the Charlie Hebdo cartoons, calling for economic sanctions against France from Iran and the wider Islamic world. [58][59] Using a knife 30 centimetres (12 in) long, Anzorov killed Paty and beheaded him in a street near the school where Paty taught, at approximately 5:00 p.m.[59][3][62] In addition to decapitating Paty, Anzorov inflicted a number of wounds to his head, abdomen, and upper limbs. Samuel Paty, cheveux bruns coupés courts, était "petit", portait des lunettes et "avait toujours une chemise", se rappelle Nathan, 16 ans, un autre ancien du Bois d'Aulne. France was irrevocably changed by the Paris terror attacks of January 2015. Et parlait avec beaucoup de joie", Vendredi 16 octobre, un professeur d'histoire a été égorgé par un assaillant, Assassinat de Samuel Paty, décapité : le tueur de Conflans et un parent d'élève ont échangé par SMS, Assassinat de Samuel Paty : sécurité scolaire, messages haineux, les "actions concrètes" du gouvernement, Montpellier : face à l’horreur, les enseignants touchés au cœur de leur mission, Enseignant décapité à Conflans : sept personnes déférées dont deux collégiens devant un juge antiterroriste, Professeur décapité : un fiché S perquisitionné à Nîmes, des opérations de police dans toute la France, Professeur décapité : tout ce qu'il s'est passé des caricatures de Mahomet jusqu'à l'attentat. Le 6 décembre 2020, son assassin était célébré en héros en Tchétchénie lors de son enterrement. Latest News; Latest News . "Il voulait vraiment nous apprendre des choses. [45] In the largest Sunni sects of Islam, any depiction of Muhammad is considered blasphemous. [3][53][54], The Grande Mosque de Pantin published a video on its Facebook page a week before the murder. [37] He claimed responsibility for the attack just after it in an audio message in Russian in which he says he is ready to be a "shahid" (martyr) and that he had "avenged the prophet" upon Samuel Paty who had "showed him in an insulting manner". Samuel Paty était mon ancien camarade de promo de @univ_lyon2. [113], Tribute to Paty, in front of the town hall in Seine-Saint-Denis, Gathering at the Place de la République, in Belfort, paying tribute to Paty, French Muslims in attendance at tribute for Paty, in Place de la République, Gathering in homage to Samuel Paty, at Place de la République in Paris, Interfaith gathering at Strasbourg Cathedral, The position taken by Macron was condemned in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey by the dominant AK Party, the Nationalist Movement Party, the secular opposition Republican People's Party and the Iyi Party, though the opposition Peoples' Democratic Party did not sign the joint declaration condemning Macron's words. [39] On 13 September 2020, he made a Twitter thread denouncing "the infidelity of the Saudi state, of its leaders, as well as all those who support them", a belief which he based on "its participation in the founding of idols worshiped [sic] outside of Allah", referring to the UN, UNESCO, WTO, Gulf Cooperation Council and the Arab League. Choose date and time: × Yesterday. Affaire Samuel Paty : «Tout le monde a failli, pas seulement l'Éducation nationale», affirme l'avocate de la famille. [9], Minutes later, Anzorov was confronted by police about 600 metres (660 yd) from the scene in Éragny, near Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, and the police tried to arrest him. Sur Facebook, une mère de famille vivant aux Mureaux (Yvelines) avait approuvé publiquement l’assassinat du professeur Samuel Paty. [102], The French Council of the Muslim Faith (CFCM), the main interlocutor of the public authorities on Islam, condemned the assassination, sending on Thursday 22 October, to the Imams of France, a text that they could use as inspiration for their Friday prayers in response to the attack. Je suis profondément blessé par cet acte d'un autre temps qui a pu et peut encore se passer dans notre pays, qui s'ajoute à toute la violence dont souffre notre France, que ce soit à l'égard des humains, des chevaux, des animaux. They cultivate hatred of the other. He was a good person, doing important work and doing it well. [75][74][76][77] Also arrested were Sefrioui,[45][55] Brahim Chnina, the father of a girl in Paty's class,[78][79] who is suspected of issuing a fatwa against Paty, and four students[72] who are suspected of taking money from the killer in exchange for identifying the teacher. Plus encore, l'Etat devait lui accorder la protection fonctionnelle, et notamment un soutien moral et les services d'un avocat. Ofiarę z obciętą głową znaleziono około 200 metrów od szkolnego budynku. [7] One of the pair accused of complicity was alleged to have assisted Anzorov in acquiring a weapon, while the other drove him to the scene of the crime. [9], Abdullakh Anzorov's family say they do not understand his action. ", "Thousands gather in Paris in memory of murdered teacher Samuel Paty – video report", 2016 stabbing of Charleroi police officers, 2016 stabbing of Brussels police officers, June 2017 Champs-Élysées car ramming attack, January 2015 anti-terrorism operations in Belgium, List of newspapers that reprinted the cartoons, Islamist demonstration outside Danish Embassy in London in 2006, Manifesto: Together Facing the New Totalitarianism, Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources, The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History,, Terrorist incidents involving knife attacks, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from November 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 29 December 2020, at 15:02. The videos were taken down in the hours after the murder. [49] Chnina claimed on YouTube and Facebook that Paty had displayed an image of Muhammad nude; he named Paty, and gave the school's address. Vous ne nous faites pas peur.Nous n’avons pas peur.Vous ne nous diviserez pas.Nous sommes la France ! Trudeau subsequently clarified his position to reaffirm the importance of defending freedom of expression. Ce mercredi 21 octobre, un hommage national a été rendu à Samuel Paty. [5][6] A social media campaign against Paty was linked to his subsequent murder. [9][88][89] Macron also announced that the "Sheikh Yassin Collective" founded by Sefrioui to support Hamas would be dissolved, as having been "directly implicated" in the murder. [51][52] He encouraged other parents to join him in action and mobilise against the teacher, whom he described as a thug. [20] Paty was a middle-school teacher of history, geography, and civics who taught for five years at the Collège Bois-d'Aulne, in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, France, a suburb 30 kilometres (19 mi) north-west of central Paris. [12], Qatar: A week of French cultural events at Qatar University was postponed on account of what described as "deliberate attack on Islam and its symbols". [2][67][68] He also said: "our compatriot was killed for teaching children freedom of speech". [112] An opinion poll carried out by Institut français d'opinion publique (Ifop) found that 87% of the respondents considered the secularist society in France (French: Laïcité) was under threat and 79% responded that Islamism had declared war on France and the French Republic. Qui était Samuel Paty, cet enseignant décapité vendredi 16 octobre près de son collège ? [9] The president of the French Council of the Muslim Faith condemned vigorously the murder, as well as imams of several mosques. [3], A week and a half after Paty's freedom-of-speech class on 16 October 2020, Anzorov, having been driven to Paty's school by an alleged accomplice, waited outside the gates and asked a number of students to point out the teacher. Of the two most influential newspapers on the left, The New York Times and The Washington Post, neither used the term jihadism in their reports according to expert Hugo Micheron [fr]. [23][24][25], The perpetrator, Abdoullakh Abouyedovich Anzorov, was an 18-year-old Russian immigrant of Chechen ethnic descent, born in Moscow, Russia. La famille de Samuel Paty attend désormais de l'instruction "une réponse forte, pas disproportionnée, mais une réponse juste pour chacun des mis en cause". A TEACHER was decapitated outside a school in Paris after he had shown his students a picture of Prophet Mohammed. Lorsqu'un inspecteur se pointe après des plaintes de parents, tous les enseignants savent que c'est pour une remontée de bretelles en gros il va le sanctionner et lui demander de faire profil bas à l'avenir. "We are sometimes targets of anti-Muslim acts, but others are also victims of hostile acts. Assassinat de Samuel Paty : 6 gardes à vue levées dont celles de la famille de l'assaillant. ", "France mourns teacher Samuel Paty as government mobilizes against Muslim groups", "Mort de Samuel Paty : des opérations de police en cours et une cinquantaine d'associations contrôlées, annonce le ministre de l'Intérieur Gérald Darmanin", "France beheading: Minister wants to dissolve Islamic NGOs after murder of teacher Samuel Paty", "France to bid farewell to murdered history teacher on Wednesday", "L'hommage national à Samuel Paty en images", "Samuel Paty posthumously awarded French Légion d'honneur: Two teenage pupils charged with complicity in terrorist murder as slain teacher given France's highest civilian award", "Hommage de Macron à Samuel Paty: 'Nous continuerons, professeur, "France honours beheaded teacher as judge questions suspects", "La lettre 'aux Instituteurs et Institutrices' de Jean Jaurès (1888)", "Laïcité à l'école: la "Lettre aux instituteurs et institutrices" de Jean Jaurès avait été publiée dans La Dépêche en 1888", "12 million French students remember teacher Samuel Paty", "Hommage à Samuel Paty: l'étrange tripatouillage de la lettre de Jean Jaurès", "France terror attack: Beheading of teacher heightens debate about Islamist terrorism and freedom of speech", "Decapitated professor – The satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo expresses its feeling...", "Montpellier : 6 unes de Charlie Hebdo sur la façade de l'hôtel de Région", "France terror attack: Thousands gather in Paris to honour murdered teacher", "Thousands rally across France in tribute to murdered schoolteacher", "Attentat à Conflans : Le CFCM propose un prêche aux imams de France", "For French Muslims, every terror attack brings questions about their loyalty to the republic", "CFCM : plan anti-radicalisation et formation des imams au programme après Conflans", "Le culte musulman s'est réuni sur la formation des imams et la prévention de la radicalisation", "Paris Beheading: Muslims in France condemn teacher's killing", "Enseignant décapité : le recteur de la Grande mosquée de Paris demande aux imams de consacrer le prêche de vendredi à Samuel Paty", "L'hommage à Samuel Paty dans les mosquées : "L'islam se désavoue de ces fanatiques, "Debatte über Islamismus in Frankreich: Ins Wespennest der Laizität", "A Teacher, His Killer and the Failure of French Integration", "Le regard des Français sur la menace terroriste et l'islamisme", "Turkish parliament condemns remarks by France's Macron in cartoon row", "France reacts after Erdogan questions Macron's mental health", "Muslim world faces divide after Erdogan takes on France for its crackdown on radical Islam", "Turkey's Erdogan urges French goods boycott amid Islam row", "Calls to boycott French products grow in Muslim world after Macron backs Mohammed cartoons", "UN strongly condemns knife attack inside Nice church which left three dead", "Egypt says freedom of expression 'stops' when Muslims offended", "Malaysia condemns 'provocative acts', defamation of Islam as anger over French cartoon mounts", "Morocco Condemns Cartoons Insulting Islam, Prophet Muhammad", "Pakistan says Macron 'encourages Islamophobia', summons envoy", "France urges Arab nations to prevent boycotts over Macron's cartoons defence", "Thousands in Bangladesh protest against French cartoons", "Egypt expresses 'utmost condemnation' of beheading of French teacher in Paris suburb – Politics – Egypt", "Press Statement on personal attacks in unacceptable language on French President Emmanuel Macron", "Saudi Arabia leads Arab and Muslim world in condemning terrorist murder of French teacher", "Condolences from Turkey to Samuel Paty's relatives from October 17", "Trudeau and Macron speak after cartoon remark controversy", "Chechen leader says Macron stance on cartoons inspires terrorists", "Tunisian MP probed for allegedly glorifying beheading of French teacher", "EU's stats og regeringschefer fordømmer terrorangreb i Frankrig", "Press Statement on Decapitating a French Teacher in a Paris Suburb", "UNAOC decries beheading of French teacher: The UNAOC chief stressed that togetherness, peace and tolerance are rooted in religions across the faith spectrum", "Why is the Anglo media portraying France as the villain? [11][15], Samuel Paty (French pronunciation: [samɥɛl pati]) was born on 18 September 1973 in Moulins, Allier. Enseignant décapité dans les Yvelines : qui était Samuel Paty, ce père de famille assassiné Samuel Paty était âgé de 47 ans. [108][10] In a tweet, Chems-Eddine Hafiz [fr], rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris, called on the imams of his federation to dedicate their preaching the following Friday to the memory of Samuel Paty and to the fight against Islamist terrorism. "[15], In response to Erdoğan's remarks, France recalled its ambassador to Turkey, and a presidential spokesperson said "President Erdogan's comments are unacceptable. Fahrettin Altun, Erdoğan's press secretary, said on Twitter that "We condemn this most disgusting effort by this publication to spread its cultural racism and hatred". Avec douleur j’ai appris cette injustice et j’accompagne le peuple français, ainsi que la famille de Samuel Paty en la défense de la vie et de la liberté. On ne peut pas imaginer qu’on puisse en arriver-là", Cela questionne sur le rôle des réseaux sociaux. "[15] In support of Macron, German government spokesman Steffen Seibert said of Erdoğan's behaviour "They are defamatory comments that are completely unacceptable, particularly against the backdrop of the horrific murder of the French teacher Samuel Paty by an Islamist fanatic", while the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Heiko Maas, said Erdoğan's insulting language was "a particular low point". Victim. [70] Jean-Rémi Girard, president of the secondary school teaching union, said teachers were "devastated" but would not be cowed. [7][8], French president Emmanuel Macron said that the incident was "a typical Islamist terrorist attack", and that "our compatriot was killed for teaching children freedom of speech". Samuel Patty is on Facebook. Abdoullakh's father Abuezid moved first to Moscow, and then to Paris. [21][3] Abdoullakh was not noticed by security agencies, though he had previously been in court on minor misdemeanour charges. [3][45] On Anzorov's phone they found a text claiming responsibility, and a photograph of Paty's body. [57] The mosque, which has about 1,500 worshippers situated just north of Paris, was ordered closed for having published videos inciting violence against Samuel Paty. Paty had, in a class on freedom of expression, shown his students Charlie Hebdo's 2012 cartoons depicting the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Envoyer. He had posted on 30 August on his Twitter account created on 8 June, "a photomontage depicting the beheading of a man". [96] Charlie Hebdo issued a statement expressing its "horror and revolt" and gave their support for the family and friends of Paty. Il était très impliqué dans ses cours. Envoyer par mail. Le père de famille, quadragénaire, était connu pour son investissement auprès de ses élèves. [56] Sefrioui called the teacher a "thug" in a video (French: voyou[56]), while denouncing the administration of the college. [11] Protests were also held in Bangladesh, Iraq, and Libya against Macron and his defense of the caricatures. Ce malheureux enseignant courageux bien Lâchement décapité par de méprisables individus qui se rejettent toute responsabilité d'un tel acte aussi odieux, ne sont pas des gens normalement constitués en bafouant toute idéologie par de la Barbarie ils font preuve d'aucun sens Humain et doivent être tous condamnés à de lourdes peines pour ce fait. View the profiles of people named Samuel Paty. In other American reporting, information on the problems caused by Islamic extremism was largely absent while there instead were warnings of rising nationalism and a French "crackdown on Islam". [131] He wrote on Instagram that showing cartoons of Muhammad was not to be labelled free speech. Samuel Paty. [11], Responding to Erdoğan's insults, Macron wrote on Twitter in English, French, and Arabic, saying: "Our history is one of a battle against tyranny and fanaticisms. — Adriana N. I will remember Samuel Paty with respect and gratitude. This was a large increase of the previous month but did not reach the 50% level which was frequently passed during the spate of Islamist attacks in France during 2015. [61] During the commemorative ceremony on 2 November across France, more than 400 incidents of threats and interruptions were recorded; several youths were arrested. Toutes mes condoléances à la famille. A 19-year-old has been sentenced to 18 months in prison for threatening to make a teacher “die like Samuel Paty,” a reference to the educator beheaded in October near Paris, the Office of the Public Prosecutor (OPP) of Nice, France, said on Saturday. Chris Tomlinson 5 Nov 2020, 7:37 AM PST. [81] The French Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, ordered that the Grande Mosque de Pantin was to be closed for six months. Le président de la République Emmanuel Macron a reçu lundi matin à l'Elysée la famille de Samuel Paty et lui a exprimé ses condoléances, a fait savoir la présidence. [107] Other Muslims in France accused the government of a "heavy-handed clampdown" on their communities in the aftermath of the murder. Ils peuvent demander un coup de main auprès des syndicats et se payer un avocat. Excess and rudeness are not a method. Vous avez raison, et dans les faits, c'est incompréhensible mais c'est ainsi. Today, in the Netherlands, other teachers now … Join Facebook to connect with Samuel Patty and others you may know. [131], Tunisia: An independent member of the Assembly of the Representatives of the People of Tunisia, Rached Khiari [fr], who was initially elected on a right-wing religious platform al-Karama [fr], justified the attack on Facebook. L’islam, Ibrahim et le CCIF ont indubitablement armé son bras. Par respect pour les proches de ce monsieur etes vous obligé de citer partout "décapité" ce doit être assez traumatisant pour la famille. [45] The police in response shot him nine times, killing him. [21][22] He lived ten minutes away from the middle school, in the small town of Éragny, Val-d'Oise. Effondré. — Adriana N. I will remember Samuel Paty with respect and gratitude. [44] He showed some of his teenage students a caricature of Muhammad from the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo during a class discussion about freedom of speech. [60] A Friday, it was the last schoolday before a two-week holiday. This account had been reported to the platform Pharos, without resulting in targeting.