However, there were no ranks stated this time. Selama patrolinya di wilayah utara, Lee Bang Won (kemudian menjadi Raja Taejong… Despite the fact their union was marked by jealousy and hatred, the royal couple was buried at Hunnung Mausoleum in Naekok-dong, Socho-ku, Seoul. That’s why her hair cutting final f*** you had so much impact, because it came from a seeminly unassuming person.She had lots of love and patience to give, and when the others dissapointed her and pushed her to the corner, she never forgave and made the others understand they took her for granted. One of the big factors to the demise of the Joseon dynasty was the Andong Kim family's influence over the child King, which lead to a lot of disaffection among other talented and righteous scholar-officials of the time. The Princess Consort was actually ranked lower than the Princess; the royal daughters was without any rank (무품), which put them at the top of the rank, while the king’s daughters-in-law would be or Sr. 1 rank. Although Wangdaebi was used for those dowagers below the Grand Royal Queen Dowager (who was the most senior), the title Daebi (Queen Dowager) was given to Queen Hyojeong since she was ranked below Queen Sinjeong as the latter’s daughter-in-law. He was called Prince Jeong Ahn during the reign of King Taejo and taught by Confucian scholars including But then, I recently realize the reason why Ruyi did not do anything, to the point of harming herself few times in the process; she put her trust in Hongli, and she had someone to be trusted, although that someone repeatedly broke that trust, over, and over again (ugh you **** Hongli!!). Another change to the titles of the Princess Consort was made in Sejong’s 14th year, 1432. As for Jeongjo, the situation was a bit complicated for him because of his birth father, Crown Prince Sado, who was put to death by his grandfather, Yeongjo. It often served as the residential quarters for queens and concubines of the king. Thank you! His troubles, however, read like a Shakespearean drama. Change ). I just started my own about the drama Haechi, and although I am ethnically Korean the titles are still very confusing. ANOTHER issue crept up: if she was to become the Royal Queen Dowager, who should have the higher rank between her and Royal Queen Dowager Inhye? Glad you find it useful! Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. One of his first acts as king was to abolish the privilege enjoyed by the upper echel… 일단, 오늘 1시간만 공부해봅시다 !b.a.length)for(a+="&ci="+encodeURIComponent(b.a[0]),d=1;d
=a.length+e.length&&(a+=e)}b.i&&(e="&rd="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(B())),131072>=a.length+e.length&&(a+=e),c=!0);C=a;if(c){d=b.h;b=b.j;var f;if(window.XMLHttpRequest)f=new XMLHttpRequest;else if(window.ActiveXObject)try{f=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")}catch(r){try{f=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")}catch(D){}}f&&("POST",d+(-1==d.indexOf("?")?"? Changgyeonggung Palace was built by King Sejong in 1418 to honor his retiring father, King Taejong. CMIIW, but from i know, literal translation of Lady Hyegyeong’s title as the King’s mother was “Mistress of the Hyegyeong Palace” wasn’t it? Hope you don’t mind too much. Taejong helped his father and founded a new dynasty by assassinating powerful officials such as Jeong Mong-ju, who remained loyal to the Goryeo dynasty. I’m rewatching Ruyi’s clips on youtube these days and totally welcome any discussion about it . ^ Became Taejo's concubine and entered the palace on March 13, 1398 [Taejo Sillok, vol. Although the title Wanghu was reserved for an independent state or a kingdom (왕국), Joseon was spared despite the country’s allegiance to Ming (and later Qing) as a tributary state (제후국). p. 153. Lady Kwon (懿嬪), Lady Shinryeonggoongjoo (信寧宮主), Lady Kim (淑恭宮主) who were royal concubine of King Taejong and Lady Kim (愼嬪) who were royal concubine of King Sejong, Lady Kwak (淑義 郭氏) who were royal concubine of King Yeonsan. This title sounds confusing (or maybe absurd) for me, sorry to say, because that title didn’t related to the king like other royal title, like wangdaebi (king+grand+consort), wangseja (king+heir+son), or wangbi (king+consort). Their consorts would be known as Samhanguk Daebuin (삼한국대부인, 三韓國大夫人) and ~ Hanguk Buin (~한국부인, ~韓國夫人), respectively. You’re welcome! There were a few practices which were highlighted but one made it into the spotlight: ‘the ruler could take in 9 wives but could only get married once’, implying that there should be only one legal/primary wife for the king or emperor and the rest would be considered the secondary wives, or the concubines. But then, Taejong decided on the system of 1 Bin and 2 Ing (1빈 2잉) for the royal concubines, although it was apparent that there was no clear cut rule in regulating the number of the royal concubines, only the titles. Taejong was the third Joseon Dynasty king and ruled from 1400 to 1418. In 1411, the Ministry of Rites presented another finding from Book of Rites (예기, 禮記) with regard to the system, which concluded that the 8 concubines were to be divided into two groups: 3 as Sebu (세부, 世夫) with the title Bin (빈, 嬪) and 5 as Cheo (처, 妻) with the title Ing (잉, 媵). I completely understand your feeling, because I used to face the same problem of wondering what on Earth they meant with the random titles. ");b!=Array.prototype&&b!=Object.prototype&&(b[c]=a.value)},h="undefined"!=typeof window&&window===this?this:"undefined"!=typeof global&&null!=global?global:this,k=["String","prototype","repeat"],l=0;lb||1342177279>>=1)c+=c;return a};q!=p&&null!=q&&g(h,n,{configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:q});var t=this;function u(b,c){var a=b.split(". Crown Prince Hyojang was posthumously honoured as Jinjong, while Jeongjo only gave a posthumous title Crown Prince Jangheon to his own father while expressing the wish for his father’s matter not to be mentioned again. King Taejong wanted an absolute monarchy. If her husband happened to be posthumously honoured as a king, then the widowed Crown Princess would be regarded as a Queen Consort and received courtesy title or Jonho. ( Log Out / And Happy Holidays!!! There was no exact rule set in stone yet at that time and Taejong still used the titles of Ongju and Gungju for concubines from both selection and royal favour routes. The king even joined a political party formed by his father-in-law, Min Chae, on Dec. 13, 1405. The first case of the title Wangdaebi was given to Queen Jeongan after King Jeongjong abdicated the throne, with the dowager title Royal Queen Dowager Sundeok (순덕왕대비). However, the status of the princes soon became a hot topic, especially during Taejong’s reign, as he worked hard to segregate the status and legitimacy according to a prince’s birth mother. Generally he had a successful reign but according to records, he always had a complex about being the son of a concubine. For instance, once King Taejo became the ruler, he bestowed the title Prince Jeongan (정안군) to his son Yi Bang-won (later Taejong) and Princess Jeongnyeong (정녕옹주) to his daughter-in-law (later Queen Wongyeong). And whoever I talk to first, it’s my choice.” Early on, Taejong sent Chungnyeongdaegun, not Yangnyeong, to Uiju to investigate his life. According to The Great Six Codes of the Tang (당육전, 唐六典), the Crown Prince’s concubines were classified into 5 levels: Yangje (양제, 良娣) of the Sr. 3 rank, Yangwon 양원, 良媛) of the Sr. 4 rank, Seunghwi (승휘, 承徽) of the Sr. 5 rank, Sohun (소훈, 昭訓) of the Sr. 7 rank, and Bongui (봉의, 奉儀) of the Sr. 9 rank. 1. What a great blog. But then, there was no record of Taejo acknowledging her as a queen consort, hence there was discord with regard to her status. 2. But can you ask something? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Its original purpose was to house his father, King Taejong, and his wives and concubines. Can you cited your sources? Another type was called Sangcham; only those of Jr 6 rank and above could attend this daily assembly (sometimes held once every 2 or even 5 days) to offer morning greetings to the king and discuss issues. She had disease in her heart and the king suspended his handling of state affairs for several days,” the Annals article said. I am not sure if this post have quenched your thirst about whatever brought you here in the first place, since I believe many of the readers stumbled upon this blog through searching for keywords they are curious about. Seeing how she could not even receive the greeting from her own son the king because they were practically a subject and a king, the court discussed the matter. But King Taejong was eminently ungracious, taking on new concubine at will and maintaining a ready supply of concubine-candidates in the palace. The Min brothers stood behind King Taejong’s political machinations at critical moments. The titles granted to them were: The Queen Consort would later would be honoured as Wanghu (왕후, 王后) posthumously, with the eulogistic posthumous title Jonho 존호(尊號) consisting of the eulogistic name Hwiho 휘호 (徽號) and the posthumous title Siho (시호, 諡號), ending with ~왕후. Its status as a tributary state by right would only allow the queens to be addressed as a mere Wangbi posthumously while the king simply as Wang, like what happened to the late Goryeo rulers ever since the country was made the son-in-law state (부마국) of Yuan and subsequently a tributary state of Ming. They had eight sons and two daughters—the first son, Munjong, would succeed, followed by his son, Tanjong, and then the second son, Sejo. Now I’ve seen Ruyi Zhuan, gosh the Qing harem was so much more large but tje rankings were SO easy to follow, and they were super clear about them always in the drama. Ah, Jo Gwiin…a grey soul blinded by ambitions, but I just can’t stop pitying her character…. 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