Une histoire raconte qu’avant, le Couesnon changeait de place en fonction des marées, ... Lorsque vous entrez dans le Mont, prenez le grand escalier sur la gauche après le bureau de poste. The installation of the Benedictine monks took place in 966, which is marked as the founding year of the Mont-Saint-Michel Abbey. But the fire from the village extended to the abbey and damaged it significantly. ... il est conseillé d’être présent 2 heures avant l’horaire de pleine mer. The "Merveille" was the monk living area. Abbot Roger II had them rebuilt in 1115-1125. Download PDF: Sorry, we are unable to provide the full text but you may find it at the following location(s): http://www.persee.fr/docAsPDF/... (external link) Benny Rosset June 30, 2018. L’abbaye du Mont-Saint-Michelest le monument le plus célèbre de l’île. The chapel Notre-Dame-Sous-Terre is today under the nave of the abbey-church. Mont-Saint-Michel avant-hier après le coucher du soleil et une belle marée haute. It was completely excavated in 1959, after architect Yves-Marie Froidevaux had a concrete beam installed. APR ranges from 9.95% to 35.99%. Attention droit de péage imposé par la collectivité : 9.1€ pour 24h, 4.6€ à partir du 1er octobre - basse saison (pi : parking public Mont Saint Michel 17.8€ haute saison et … The "Merveille", located to the North of the church-abbey, contains a cloister, a dining-hall, a study room and a chaplaincy with an ideal floor plan for going from one to the other. … Ten hiking trails have been created that enable pilgrims from various European countries to retrace the path their ancestors may have taken during a medieval pilgrimage. Discover our research outputs and cite our work. When Richard 1st, son of William 1st, became duke of Normandy, he tried using his authority to return them to a more monastic life. Le avant-après est également visible sur le site. The 650 prisoners were transferred to other prisons.[9]. Mont Saint Michel 1944 Montage Grosshau 1944 Allemagne montage. Félicitations au photographe Philippe Meunier pour cette merveilleuse photo. [13], Mont Saint Michel as a whole and its bay were added to the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites in 1979, and it was listed with criteria such as cultural, historical, and architectural significance, as well as human-created and natural beauty.[14]. The abbey was then nicknamed "bastille des mers" (Bastille of the sea).[10]. Some prisoners would walk inside the wheel to rotate it. A l’orée du Mont, dans un cadre d’arbres et de verdure, la Ferme St Michel, restaurant du terroir vous accueille. Administration fee up to 4.75%. Carrouges started off in the 14th century as a stronghold during the Hundred Years’ War (a keep). Les remparts du mont Saint-Michel ne sont pas le principal centre d’intérêt des touristes qui visitent le site. L’entrée de l’abbaye coûte 10 €. In 1421 the Romanesque choir collapsed. Normandie De France. Horrified by the exaction of his Brittany ally, Philippe-Auguste offered abbot Jourdain a grant for the construction of a new Gothic-style architectural set, which included the addition of the refectory and cloister. Loan lengths range from 24 to 60 months. ; Crème Mains Olive tube 75 ml Crème Mains Olive tube 75 ml - Ces crèmes mains prendront soin de votre peau tout en vous rappelant les parfums provençaux. 7-23. [5], When Christianity expanded to the area, around the 4th century, Mont Tombe – the original name of Mont Saint Michel – was part of the Diocese of Avranches. On top, God, the abbey, and monastery; below this, the Great halls, then stores and housing, and at the bottom (outside the walls), fishermen's and farmers' … After failing to do so, and with the approbation of pope John XIII and king Lothair, he decided to replace them with a monastery of the Benedict order, as mentioned in Introductio monachorum ("the installation of the monks"), a treaty written around 1080-1095 by a Mont-Saint-Michel monk trying to defend the independence of the monastery toward the state. Pulse. La mention du règne de Childebert, image emblématique du bon roi, est trop banale dans l'hagiographie pour dater l'implantation du culte de saint Michel au Mont Tombe.Simonnet Nicolas. Car après 14h pas plus des places..! Mont Saint … En effet, avant même de se renseigner sur la visite de ce célèbre endroit, il y a quelques points pratiques à creuser. He designed the Romanesque church of the abbey, placing the transept crossing at the top of the mount. ... Visitez la baie du Mont Saint-Michel avec un … Up to 700 prisoners worked in a workshop set up in the abbey, making straw hats, which started a fire in 1834 and partially damaged it. The "Merveille", built in medieval Norman style, with a circular capital, some spandrels in Caen stone and some plant motifs, was completed in 1228. L'abbaye du Mont-Saint-Michel est située sur le mont, et le mont constitue une petite partie du territoire de la commune du Mont-Saint-Michel. La Fondation du Mont-Saint-Michel d'après la Revelatio ecclesiae sancti Michaelis. In 1817, the numerous modifications of the structure by the prison administration led to the collapse of the hostelry built under Robert de Torigni. After the signature of the treaty of Saint-Clair-sur-Epte, Rollo (Gange-Hrólfr "Rollo" Ragnvaldsson de Normandie) started repairing the damages inflicted to the religious buildings. The local geography played a major role in the design of the "Merveille". Le mont Saint-Michel est un îlot rocheux granitique denviron 960 mètres de circonférence situé à lest de lembouchure du fleuve du Couesnon, dans le département de la Manche en Normandie, et dont le nom vient de l'archange saint Michel. Guerre. Depuis 2012, les visiteurs du site du Mont Saint Michel sont invités à utiliser l'une des six navettes mises à disposition pour se rendre au pied du célèbre édifice. View more. It includes the principal University library – the Bodleian Library – which has been a legal deposit library for 400 years; as well as 30 libraries across Oxford including major research libraries and faculty, department and institute libraries. Les jeunes de 18 à 25 ans bénéficient d’un tarif réduit à 8 € et l’entrée est gratuite pour les moins de 18 ans. Charlemagne chose Saint Michel as a protector of his empire during the 9th century and tried to have the place renamed Mont-Saint-Michel, but during the Middle Ages it was usually called Saint-Michel-aux-Deux-Tombes (Saint Michel with two tombs) (Mons Sancti Michaelis in periculo maris, in reference to Tombelaine).[7]. Interior of the church-abbey Saint-Michel. Avant l'année 709, il était connu comme le « mont Tombe ». Produits similaires au MONT SAINT-MICHEL Coffret Eau de Cologne Après l'orage 250 ml + Crème Mains 75 ml. After William I of Normandy took over his father's title as Duke of Normandy in 927, he expanded his support toward monasteries until his assassination in 932; but his wealth, from which they benefited, further exacerbated their mundane life style. Soldats Américains. The wine cellar and chaplaincy for the future "Merveille" were also started. Aubert had a local religious artifact removed and instead a circular sanctuary built, made of dry stones. After the Vikings captured the Mont in 847, the monks departed. Charles VI is credited with adding major fortifications to the abbey, building towers and successive courtyards, and strengthening the ramparts. [2], With more than 1.335 million visitors in 2010, the abbey is among the most visited cultural sites in France. Une fois arrivé au petit cimetière, libre à vous de choisir votre chemin. Le Mont-Saint-Michel a la particularité d’être érigé sur un îlot rocheux, entouré d’une magnifique baie, théâtre des plus grandes marées d’Europe continentale. Kirsty Mclaughlan November 9, 2014. The Mont-Saint-Michel could, in that sense, be considered a megastructure where the buildings are on top of each other while trying to accommodate Benedictine activities within a tight space. Afin de faire face aux nombreuses contraintes et notamment au manque d'espace, la direction du Mont St Michel a été dans l'obligation de passer comm… During this mission, the March 709 tsunami is supposed to have destroyed the Scissy forest and turned the Mont into an island. Tome 106, numéro 4, 1999. pp. The archangel Saint Michel at top of the spire (completed in 1898) was started in 1895 by the sculptor Emmanuel Frémiet at the "ateliers Monduit" that previously did some work for Viollet-le-Duc. En partant à gauche, vous vous dirigerez vers l’abbaye. Le Mont-Saint-Michel, La " Merveille " est merveilleuse aussi en hiver, et les touristes du #monde entier se pressent. By then the new buildings fully covered Notre-Dame-Sous-Terre which was still used for religious activities. Littré, Dictionnaire de la langue française (1872-77) : jardins médiévaux, Mic Chamblas-Ploton, La maison rustique, Flammarion, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Abbaye du Mont-Saint-Michel - Centre des monuments nationaux, "Chroniques latines du Mont Saint-Michel (IXe - XIIe siècle)", "Le Mont Saint-Michel suite de l'histoire", https://www.normandyamericanheroes.com/blog/le-mont-saint-michel-normandys-ancient-marvel-more-than-tourist-destination#:~:text=During%20the%20second%20world%20war,came%20to%20visit%20the%20abbey, "5 Surprising Facts to Make You Want to Visit Mont Saint Michel", https://www.lescheminsdumontsaintmichel.com/spip/spip.php?article83&lang=en, Prehistoric pile dwellings around the Alps, Prehistoric sites and decorated caves of the Vézère valley, Routes of Santiago de Compostela in France, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mont-Saint-Michel_Abbey&oldid=991877661, Monuments of the Centre des monuments nationaux, Articles needing additional references from May 2013, All articles needing additional references, Infobox religious building with unknown affiliation, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 2 December 2020, at 07:39. What I mean is that this shot is a composite photograph. Une personne de confiance vous les remettra. [17], Church of Saint Michel during 9th and 10th centuries, The "Belle Chaise" room and the Southwest buildings. This skull is displayed at the Saint-Gervais d'Avranches basilica with such a scar on it. Stationnement gratuit en échange d'un dîner au restaurant ou l'achat d'un forfait découverte. These parts of the abbey were rediscovered near the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. The new church-abbey first had three crypts built: the Trente-Cierges chapel (under the North wing), the choir crypt (to the East) and Saint-Martin chapel (under the South wing) (1031-1047). ... Bien attendre que la sécurité se déverrouille avant que la flamme ne prenne. Around 708, Aubert sent two monks to get some artifacts from the Italian sanctuary (a rock with his foot print and a piece of tissue from the altar). Those openings were the entryway to the chapter house that was never built. In March 2016, a helicopter was used to temporarily remove the golden statue of Archangel Michael on the top of the spire, in order to restore its lightning rod device, in a dramatic but successful operation.[15]. It was rebuilt in Flamboyant-Gothic style from 1446 to 1523 (with a construction break from 1450 to 1499). Trouvez les meilleures images gratuites sur le thème « mont saint michel ». During the German retreat after D-Day in 1944, no attempt was made to defend the area, which was clear by July 31. Si vous arrivez après 20h00, une astuce est mise en place il vous suffira de me téléphoner. Avant d’être un lieu touristique par excellence, le Mont-Saint-Michel était… une prison ! In 1835, Viollet-le-Duc visited the Mont and later his students, Paul Gout and Édouard Corroyer (the famous Mère Poulard was his maid), were commissioned to restore it. Comptez 35 minutes de marche pour vous rendre à cette magnifique chapelle du 16° siècle dédiée à Saint-Michel. Abbot Richard Turstin built, on the East side, the Guards room (that became the abbey entrance) and a new officiality, where judicial decisions were made (1257). The Bodleian Libraries at the University of Oxford is the largest university library system in the United Kingdom. Started during the 10th century, the Benedictine abbey has numerous architectural marvels from West Roman empire, roman and Gothic styles. Alligator Bay 1 km. The remains of the oratory were found in the chapel Notre-Dame-Sous-Terre. Seven centuries of history. On October 16, 709, the bishop dedicated the church and put twelve chanoine there. [12], After some higher-profile political prisoners were held there, such as Victor Dubourg de La Cassagne, Desforges, Martin Bernard, Armand Barbès and Auguste Blanqui, some influential figures, including Victor Hugo, launched a campaign to restore what was seen as a national architectural treasure, that led to its closure by Napoleon III in 1863. When Louis XI of France founded the Order of Saint Michael in 1469, he intended that the abbey church of Mont Saint-Michel become the chapel for the Order, but because of its great distance from Paris, his intention could never be realized. Starting in 1922, Christian worship was again practiced in the abbey. At the end of the summer a few stayed, led by Bruno de Senneville, from Bec Abbey, with the approval of the state, owner of the place. ... Mont Saint Michel Abbey 4.5 km. At first, pilgrims kept coming to the Mont. [8], After getting the approval from the local warlords and religious of the Norman abbeys, the monastery of Saint-Wandrille, Saint-Taurin-d’Évreux and Jumièges, Duke Richard I sent an officer and some soldiers to the Mont Saint Michel to announce his order: return to a religious life style and become a member of the Benedict order or leave the Mont. Pendant tout le Moyen Âge, il est couramment appelé « mont Saint-Michel au péril de la mer » (Mons Sancti Michaeli in periculo mari). Request. ... Mont-Saint-Michel-Normandie. Le Mont-Saint-Michel qui accueille chaque année plus de trois millions de visiteurs devrait connaître une année en 2016 une année faste puisqu’il sera le point de départ du Tour de France cycliste. On top, God, the abbey, and monastery; below this, the Great halls, then stores and housing, and at the bottom (outside the walls), fishermen's and farmers' housing. Une personne de confiance vous les remettra. The Mont-Saint-Michel monks, during the first century of their institution, venerated the archangel Michael. There is also a treadwheel crane which served as a windlass, installed during the use of the site as a prison, to bring supplies to the prisoners. Such devotees were known as Miquelots. Pendant tout le Moyen Âge, il est couramment appelé « mont Saint-Michel au péril de la mer ». The abbey is an essential part of the structural composition of the town the feudal society constructed. The Revelatio ecclesiae sancti Michaelis is the sole source of all narratives concerning the foundation of Mont Saint Michel. Pulse. From 1154 to 1164 the abbot Robert of Torigni had a set of buildings added to the West and Southwest of the abbey containing lodgings for: the officiality, a new hostelry, an infirmary and the Saint-Étienne chapel. In 1898, during some excavation under the floor of the church, Paul Gout discovered the Notre-Dame-Sous-Terre. Many underground crypts and chapels had to be built to compensate for this weight, forming the basis for the supportive upward structure that can be seen today. Prenez soins de bien gérer l'eau chaude. ... 9, 2014. CORE is a not-for-profit service delivered by Avant Noël, les moines racontent leur confinement dans l'abbaye du Mont-Saint-Michel . It would seem on analysis to be a hagiographie work by the bishop of Avranches, meant to affirm the position of the monastety as part … [9], The Mont-Saint-Michel was at its apex during the 1100s, with the abbot of Torigni, private counsel of the Duke of Normandy, Henry II of England, reinforcing the structure of the buildings, and building the main facade of the church.[9]. Urgent work to consolidate and restore the abbey was conducted by Édouard Corroyer. Si vous arrivez après 20h00, une astuce est mise en place il vous suffira de me téléphoner. En allant à droite, vous tomberez sur la rue principale. Pulse is … AVANT-APRES. All done with Photoshop. The East side was built first (from 1211 to 1218) and has three rooms: the chaplaincy, the hosts room and the dining-hall (from bottom to top). Seconde Guerre Mondiale. View more. In the middle of the box trees were monsters to remind that in the middle of any marvel evil could still be there.[16]. Normandie. Mont-Saint-Michel 4.5 km. The center is made of box tree surrounded by 13 Damascus roses. Rien d ... hotel la mere poulard le mont … The columns, arranged in quincunx, were originally made of limestone from England but were later restored using puddingstone from Lucerne. The chaplaincy was built during abbot Roger II leadership, when Abbot Raoul des iles led the construction of the hosts room (1215-1217), the dining-hall (1217-1220) the cellar, the knights room (1220-1225) and the cloister (1225-1228). Together, the Libraries hold more than 12 million printed items, over 80,000 e-journals and outstanding special collections including rare books and manuscripts, classi… Avant branded credit products are issued by WebBank, member FDIC. By the middle of the 6th century, Christianity had a stronger presence in the bay. ... après trois apparitions successives de l’archange saint Michel. Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. In 1080, three levels were built to the North of Notre-Dame-Sous-Terre, including the "salle de l’Aquilon", which served as chaplaincy to host pilgrims, the monk promenade and a dormitory. The wealth and support that the Mont suddenly obtained from Rollo started to fundamentally affect its inhabitants, taking them away from their solitary, religious life. Photos avant-apres. L'IGN continue de mettre en ligne des photos aériennes du territoire national. Jour J. Seconde Guerre Mondiale. Seen from outside, it has a gothic front, on the North side, has three levels and was built over 25 years. L'abbay… In 1204, France's King Philippe-Auguste started to take over the fiefs of Duke of Normandy John Lackland. Modern pilgrims can follow the same routes. Et pourtant, ils n’en sont pas moins dignes d’intérêt. Delicia de omelete! In 1896, a neogothic spire, rising 170 meters above the sea level, was added. The "Belle Chaise" building and the lodging wing hosted the administrative section of the abbey. Rates and Terms for Unsecured Loans: Loan amounts range from $2,000 to $35,000. Avant l'année 709, il était connu comme le « mont Tombe ». La maison possède un chauffe eau de 100 litres. Only one accepted and all the others left, leaving the abbot Maynard 1st, coming from Saint-Wandrille abbey, to establish a Benedict ruling. In: Annales de Bretagne et des pays de l'Ouest. He also modified the access ways to Notre-Dame-Sous-Terre, to prevent too many contacts between monks and pilgrims. Cela concerne notamment l’hébergement ou le transport pour s’y rendre. As more pilgrims came to the Mont Saint Michel, it was decided to expand the abbey by building a new abbey church at the site of the monks' quarters, which was moved to the north of Notre-Dame-Sous-Terre. Mont-Saint-Michel, Disneyland... En 50 ans, la France a changé ! Après avoir rejoint le chemin forestier que vous aviez préalablement quitté, vous continuez en direction du Mont Saint-Michel. They slowly started to leave after 1979. Even as some oubliettes have been mentioned since the 11th century, the abbey started to be used more regularly as a jail during the Ancien Régime, becoming a state jail during Louis XI's reign. BibTex; Full citation; Abstract. Elle apparaît à l'analyse comme une composition hagiographique de l'évêque d'Avranches destinée à affirmer l'appartenance du monastère à son diocèse et sa prééminence sur l'abbé, au moment où Erispoé reçoit de Charles le Chauve le comté de Rennes tout proche et la qualité de roi de Bretagne (851). Conseille au visiteur...réserver à l'avance.. On y admire une vingtaine de salles restaurées à partir du XIXe siècle, un magnifique cloître, et il est possible d’assister aux messes chantées des Fraternités monastiques de Jérusalem. The Mont-Saint-Michel Abbey is an abbey located within the city and island of Mont-Saint-Michel in Lower Normandy, in the department of Manche.. Pulse is a score out of 100 points that measures how popular a photo is. In 1966, with the celebration of the abbey's first millennium, a few Benedictine monasteries sent monks to spend the summer there. The prison was finally closed in 1863 and the abbey was rented by the bishop of Coutances starting that same year, until it was declared a monument historique in 1874. It would seem on analysis to be a hagiographie work by the bishop of Avranches, meant to affirm the position of the monastety as part of his diocese and his authority over the abbot, at the time when Erispoe received the nearby county of Rennes from Charles Le Chauve, as well as being recognised simultaneously as king of Brittany (851). The rapid growth of wealth of the church-abbey Saint-Michel became an obstacle to its function and nature. Two bombards, left by the English during the Hundred Years' War, are visible near one of the fortification door. He generously financed the Mont and called back the monks displaced by the war, returning the Mont to its previous condition. Il y a une bouteille de gaz d’avance si besoin. It became a lordly residence in the 15th century (the Blosset wing), and in the 16th century a gatehouse tower was added, considered to be the first example of Renaissance architecture in Normandy. The other church-abbey buildings were erected to the East of the original church, on top of the rock and above the church itself. Mont saint michel Collection de Chardonnet Anne. Three arches of the cloister are opened to the sea or to the outside. Sur le flanc droit, ce trouve une tête de chat sculptée, peut-être une allusion aux sorcières… The lower-most level, the wine cellar, was constructed with thick robust walls to support the floors above. It is located approximately one kilometer (just over half a mile) off the country's north coast, at the mouth of the Couesnon River. La maison possède un chauffe eau de 100 litres. The religious used their wealth, coming from the piety of the rich surrounding princes, to satisfy their pleasures. 2eme Guerre Mondiale. La preuve en récit. In 1794, an optical telegraph system, designed by Claude Chappe, was installed on top of the dome, making the Mont-Saint-Michel part of the Paris-Brest telegraph line. Contrary to the tradition, this cloister was not built at the center of the monastery, and thus does not link with all the other buildings. … Those monks added the double-nave, pre-Romanesque church Notre-Dame-sous-Terre. Full During the medieval period, pilgrims visiting the abbey walked from Italy, Germany, and England as well as other parts of France. Because of their generous contributions to the Mont, the Dukes of Brittany Conan 1st, who died in 992, and Geoffrey 1st, who died in 1008, were buried in the Mont as benefactors. Conseils … A cable car facility was installed but the abbey was otherwise kept intact, with the German Armistice Commission recognizing Mont-Saint-Michel's historical significance. [3], The first text about an abbey is the 9th-century Latin text Revelatio ecclesiae sancti Michaelis in monte Tumba[4] written by a chanoine living at Mont Saint Michel or at the Cathédrale Saint-André d'Avranches. During the reign of Louis-Philippe d'Orléans, some prisoners started a protest that led to the replacement of the prison director, Martin des Landes. the Open University The abbey can be divided into multiple parts: The original church-abbey was founded in 966 but later completely covered by the multiple expansions of the abbey and was then forgotten for many centuries. The foundations to support it led to the split in two of Notre-Dame-Sous-Terre. The cloister has in the middle a medieval garden recreated in 1966 by brother Bruno de Senneville, a Benedictine monk. Map. View more. A fortified wall surrounds the city, located on the South and East side of the mont. Saint Michael's Mount (Mont Saint-Michel in French) is a rocky tidal island. The Mont became a place of prayer and study, but the stability period, known as the Neustria, during the reign of Charlemagne ended when he died. His ally, Guy of Thouars, Duke of Brittany, undertook the siege of the Mont-Saint-Michel. The hermits Saint Pair and Saint Seubilion dedicated one of the oratories to Saint Étienne, midway through the mont, and one to Saint Symphorien, at the foot of the rock.[6]. The Mont-Saint-Michel was born. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème mont saint michel, mt st michel, le mont st michel. Thanks to a corrupt system,[11] the richest prisoners could visit the Mont Saint Michel town, others could borrow books from the monks' scriptorium. The Revelatio ecclesiae sancti Michaelis is the sole source of all narratives concerning the foundation of Mont Saint Michel. The abbey has been protected as a French monument historique since 1862. This text was written at a time of power struggle between Brittany and the County of Normandy against Francia as well as during canon law reforms by Roman emperors. But, as an island, it offered some protection for the local population and thus never stayed empty. The actual loan amount, term, and APR amount of loan that a customer qualifies for may vary based … After having set fire to the village and massacring the population, he failed to conquer the abbey, due to its stone fortifications. Its function was purely spiritual: to bring the monks to meditate. [9], William de Volpiano, the Italian architect who had built the Abbey of Fécamp in Normandy, was chosen by Richard II of Normandy to build the church of the abbey in 1060. The archangel was reputed to have left his finger mark on Aubert's skull. C'était cher par contre. 3. Around 1393, the two Châtelet towers were built, then the Perrine tower and a "Bailliverie". Later, under abbot Pierre Le Roy, a lodging wing was added, adding at the same time to the abbey fortifications. Avant de parler des choses à faire au Mont Saint-Michel et autour de la baie, il me semble indispensable d’évoquer quelques points pratiques. To submit an update or takedown request for this paper, please submit an Update/Correction/Removal Since 2001, the Benedictine monks have been replaced by some from the Monastic Fraternities of Jerusalem, originally from Saint-Gervais' Church in Paris. * These rates apply only to unsecured loans. Aucun véhicule n'est désormais admis à l'entrée du site, ces derniers devant stationner sur un parking payant situé en amont. In World War II, the abbey and its surrounding area came under German occupation starting on June 20, 1940. The distinctive, regularly spaced abutments on the Merveille's outer walls reach all the way to the top to reinforce the structure against any lateral forces imposed by the great weight of its towering upper levels. Cite . Sebamed Intensive Crème pour les mains avec Complex Panthénol 6 x 75 ml Soin intensif pour les mains rugueuses et sollicitées. 4. Many of Denver's hotels are offering seasonal packages and exceptional deals this winter – some even specifically geared toward avant and après ski activities.
Corrigé Examen Fonction Publique,
Convention Collective Tp Bretagne,
Quend Plage Diane,
Produit Laxatif En 4 Lettres,
Maison Plain-pied Bretagne,