Radios themselves are very cheap, and they require no subscriptions or fees of any sort. Even here in Cincinnati, I experience frequent dropped calls, and often get shunted down to the Edge Network (the next speed tier down from 3G) or lose data connectivity completely. My iPhone was a complete game changer for me, allowing me much more fluidity in how I would do everything from navigate to listening to radio. If you can’t get a data connection, you can’t stream radio. Schedule – In which he talks about ROS, flights, and other things you might not be aware of. They’re really into their audio. performing at levels below [its] standards. Combining the approach and some Internet-based crowd sourcing, Absolute’s new DAB station, dabbl, will bring an audience-controlled playlist to the air waves. Les Audiences Janvier-Mars 2020. Will the iPad Be A Step Forward For Internet Radio? Maybe some users will be happy to pay to have all this wrapped inside a single app, but there’s another stumbling block – NPR in the States does at least as good a job at radio news and documentary, and all its apps, like its podcasts, are free. Now, for those who are somewhat skeptical of Arbitron findings (see the Personal People Meter (PPM) controversies), Nielsen has produced similar findings. When it comes to radio, you can do it by bypassing the Internet stream entirely. HD Radio needs to be there.”. Newer Entries » CBS Radio in The Internet Top 20! Apple’s move will better connect me to music, which will connect me to the store, which will connect me to buy. Entries (RSS) and Comments (RSS). I’m sure that the coming year or two (at least) will see a constant tug of war between Arbitron and Nielsen over what techniques of measurement are more accurate and why. I remember well discovering The White Stripes while sitting in the passenger seat of a VW Thing driving across town for a production meeting. Brad Sugars over on has some terrific advice for those who are contemplating radio advertising. Evolution onto these two platforms is a vital aspect of radio’s future, especially mobile devices. I’m going to break with tradition and be cheerful this Friday the 13th, counter-intuitive as it may be. I’m off to a cook out! Think “classic rock” on the FM band and “talk radio” on the AM stations. For contrast, since 1993, their facilities were in the library of Pasadena City College and had only one primary studio. While the convenience of having total control over your personal playlist is a wonderful thing, it lacks surprises. Evolutions vs janv-mars 2019, Les résultats de la 126.000 Médiamétrie : France Inter 1ère radio, France Info 2e sur les CSPI+. […], “My singing and my music is all great, but I do it for you guys and everything else but it won’t be possible if I’m not relevant on the radio and it won’t be possible for me to be an artist if I don’t have any support from people that give me an artists outlet. It’s the 21st Century. Sure, Pandora is wonderful — I listen to it a lot as well — but its strength is in bringing you music that has similarity to what you already listen to. That has changed with the advent of the new model Nano, and it’s a change that I welcome with open arms. The segment will continue its double-digit growth pace hitting $827 million by 2013. Just look at the success of iHeartRadio, Pandora, AOL Radio and other audio/radio apps. The Globe and Mail‘s Bruce Dowbiggin looks at the effect: Why the sudden surge in female numbers for sports-talk formats? All in all, I’d say that the rest of the day looks cheerier after finding that out! broadcast & satellite radio (79.1% daily reach); portable audio [iPods/MP3 players] ( 11.6% daily reach), digital audio stored on a computer such as music files downloaded or transferred to and played on a computer (10.4% daily reach), and digital audio streamed on a computer (9.3% daily reach); audio on mobile phones (<2% daily reach). Close on their heels have been the apps that bring radio to these users, broadcast becoming as accessible as the now nearly ubiquitous 3G connections that cover the U.S. I’m an iPhone user myself, and my radio listening has increased dramatically since the introduction of a few key apps, some station specific and some more generalized. Over time, competition should cause one or the other to field a truly superior product and approach. Today, I’d like to point out how these devices, and the iPod Nano in particular, herald the rebirth of radio. Posts about Audience written by George Williams. New York and San Francisco in particular have problems with this due to the high rate of usage in those cities. Even that sounds reasonable to me, but I’m a longtime fan of British media. I can’t be an underground mixtape artist!” Brown said with a laugh. But now the shoe is on the other foot. So why should we consider these stats to be accurate, especially in light of the unexpected jump in percentages? In the two years I’ve been authoring this blog, mobile has been a constant refrain. As opposed to the traditional diary methods of the past (which were often filled in after the fact by a single listener), PPMs record everyone in the vicinity of a radio or TV signal. With the economy in such dire straits, advertisers are rightfully looking to extend their reach without overextending dwindling resources. 1 radio company introduced its iHeartRadio app for iPhones, phone users account for 10 percent of its digital audience.“We expect to at least double that number” in 2010, he said. Then, in the classic words of The Who, we’re “Going Mobile!”. CB. Nielsen’s data proves that this is clearly not the case and it will clearly lead to a stronger appreciation of radio over time.”. So kids these days are still listening to radio, albeit on a variety of platforms that only came into being in years. Who would have thought it? More details according to David Bauder of The Associated Press: A new episode debuts each weekday at 9:25 a.m. on Radio Disney. How much of it actually registers, or registers only on a subconscious level, is impossible to say at this point. Premier groupe radio avec près de 15 millions d’auditeurs quotidiens, Radio France est crédité de 27,8% de part d’audience, ce qui représente une hausse de 0,5 point en un an. What’s a format? Radio has a 67.5 % lead over iPods and MP3 players? Maybe not, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it helps introduce a new generation—and reintroduce an old one—to FM radio’s unique listening format. AT&T, Apple’s mobile partner and sole carrier for the iPhone, has repeatedly come under fire for failing under pressure when it comes to bandwidth. It is a win-win situation because RadioLoyalty(TM) rewards the listener and the station at the same time,” said Williams. Listening habits have changed and the means of listening has diversified. Sounds to me like they’ve combined a number of great concepts into what looks like a  potent strategy. While it does not yet have to omnipresence of broadcast, the Internet and the radio streams conveyed by it are becoming more accessible by the day. Currently leading that group is Chris Brown. About 75% of the time I listen to music on my iPhone, I’m streaming a station rather than listening to a music file. The rules are changing, and online aspects of radio are like nothing seen before in our industry. Elle se classe 2ème radio sur les CSPI+ et les Cadres Supérieurs derrière France Inter, avec 12,2% et 16,9% d’audience cumulée. Disney is know for reinventing or revitalizing media on a regular basis. Still, it’s no secret that the iPhone and iPod Touch (or iTouch, as some call it) rule the roost when it comes to mobile. It’s a brave new world out there, and it’s great to see how well radio is adapting to it. It also happens to be a huge boon for radio. Still, for anglophiles, even that will be a treat. From the world of radio,  they were joined by Citadel, Entercom, and Cox Radio who also made it into the top ten. What do you think? Tags:app, BBC, iphone, iPod Touch, iTouch, radio, Radio 4, Tuner Posted in Audience, Content, News, radio, streaming, Technology | Leave a Comment ». This gets really interesting when you look at the projections made in another RBR/RBTV piece: According to updated projections from SNL Kagan released Monday (Nov. 2), radio online revenue will grow by double digits this year to $441 million, a 12 percent increase over 2008. Numerous challenges have been levied against it and its accuracy, while many others have supported its methodology and heralded it as the next clear step in harvesting audience metrics. “I need all the fans that I have, I need y’all’s help. “My Dream,” is slated to run for twenty episodes beginning next week on Radio Disney. Image: RadioLoyalty Logo / Fair Use: Reporting, Tags:Audience, Jetcast, John Williams, Lenco Mobile, listeners, loyalty program, points, RadioLoyalty, UniversalPlayer Posted in Audience, News, radio, streaming | 3 Comments ». Since then I’ve added several of their discs to my collection. Mobile has been a huge boon for radio. Les résultats de la 126.000 Médiamétrie : France Inter 1ère radio, France Info 2e sur les CSPI+ Premier groupe radio avec près de 15 millions d’auditeurs quotidiens, Radio France est crédité de 27,8% de part d’audience, ce qui représente une hausse de 0,5 point en un an. This Saturday, they will debut the tools needed to live up to that status:  a $24.5-million broadcast facility that contains 13 studios and control rooms. Combine that huge listener base with America’s love of British TV — Dr. Who is the number one television show purchased on iTunes, for example — and they have a tempting market just waiting. My audio options have expanded rather than being simply changed. Canadian Women, Sports Radio, and the PPM, Absolute Radio Brings Web Tactics to Broadcast, Jetcast and Lenovo Make Internet Radio “Sticky” With Loyalty Program, I think those number stand on their own. Entries (RSS) and Comments (RSS). The logic of the situation makes it a total win for Apple as they capitalize on the “free discovery” aspect of broadcast radio. With radio, you can be blindsided by musical epiphanies from outside your usual spectrum and therein lies one of its greatest strengths. There is an amazing amount of room on the air for experimentation of this nature, and I think that taking a cue from Internet culture is a wise one. The new tablet, designed to fill the niche between smartphones and laptops, has been one of the most awaited products since the original iPhone. Elle enregistre par ailleurs, de nettes progressions en audience moyenne (+10% sur les 13+ et les CSPI+, +9% sur les Cadres Supérieurs et +3% sur les 25-59 ans). “That’s a modest goal.” The company attracts about 28 million unique visitors a month, up 30 percent from last year. Listeners who miss them can hear the 90-second episodes later on the station’s website or via mobile phone. Still, a lot will be riding on the connection. Personally, I attribute this to its ubiquity. PaidContent:UK‘s Robert Andrews notes the rather large flaw in his recent review: But BBC Listener may not be all that good value – many of the shows contained within are available as free downloadable podcasts, as well as for web playback, no matter where in the world listeners are. (c) 2009 National Association of Broadcasters (NAB). I’m going to break with tradition and be cheerful this Friday the 13th, counter-intuitive as it may be. “It was a factor of what I call aspirational tuning,” [David] Bray [senior vice president at Hennessy & Bray Communications] said. Rather, it supplies a selection of programs mostly from Radio 4. In the meantime, I advise keeping an eye on them both. Pour la 19ème fois consécutive, France Inter est la 1ère matinale de France (7h-9h) avec un record de 4,4M d’auditeurs (soit + 306 000). In the end, it may simply be a case of radio is dead, long live radio. Because smartphones, PDAs, and other portable devices are giving the Internet the ubiquity that radio has long enjoyed. Choosing the right sounds –  The background audioscape is important, this is an audio medium. With the iPad being touted as a portable device, this trend, at first glance, seems to be continuing. There is a lot of appeal in being able to sit and read the news on a nine-inch screen while listening to radio online. The app uses the iPhone’s in-ap subscription function to charge the $12.99 per quarter subscription fee. It also has a nice interface; I particularly like the old-fashioned radio tuner it displays when you turn the iPhone on its side., Pandora and a plethora of new online audio options may be striking fear into the hearts of more timid members of our industry, but not me. Another truism is that many out there could use some help in trying to leverage the medium properly. Create a free website or blog at You pay $2.99 for the app — a reasonable price — and you’re good to go, right? Now, I’d like to wish everyone out there a fantastic Labor Day. And that is the reason this rumor is so compelling. A Guide for Broadcast Industry Professionals on the Future of Radio. This effectively removes the younger, more Internet and technology oriented consumers out of the calculations. Many in-dash radios now include an iPod/iPhone port you can plug into. So, it’s not that they abandoned radio, per se, but they essentially augment with some of these portable media/digital media devices,”[Michael] Link [Chief Methodologist at The Nielsen Company] told RBR-TVBR. Madeleine Brand, former co-host of the NPR  newsmagazine Day to Day, will be hosting a new local newsmagazine which will debut this Spring. Tags:advertsing, format, leverage, music, programming, radio, sound effects Posted in advertising, Audience, Content, radio | Leave a Comment ». A nouveau première radio, France Inter atteint un record de 12,8% d’audience cumulée, soit 6,9 millions d’auditeurs quotidiens (+ 596 000) et un record de PDA à 13,4% (soit +1,2 point). Seth Porges over at Popular Mechanics puts it beautifully: Something odd has happened recently in my music-listening life. Here’s where he explains why. Malgré la grève, France Inter est à 12,8 %. Steve Carney at The Los Angeles Times writes: KPCC has thrived by tapping a board willing to write big checks and hit up their rich friends for contributions. This game changing transition, the rise of the smartphone, is doing exactly what I’ve predicted all along — bringing radio to new listeners and evolving with the new technology rather than against it. Now the one part of this I must take issue with is the first sentence quote above. Especially in this economy, it is a must for one’s marketing mix. For example, here’s BBC World New America reporter Matt Frei’s Americanashow, all 51 episodes of it. Those findings show a huge and underestimated rate of listenership amongst the “iPod generation.”. With all due respect to Ms. Bachman (who I often refer to in my roundups because she produces some great reporting), I must differ. To me, this looks like a very important shift. [SCPR is the nonprofit company that operates KPCC (89.3 FM), as well as KUOR-FM (89.1) and KPCV-FM (90.3).] Good sense, if you ask me. Quatrième radio nationale avec 7,4% d’audience cumulée, France Info est écoutée chaque jour par près de 4,1 millions d’individus. “I’m beginning to think that our future is going to be more mobile-centric than I had even thought, and sooner,” he said. Just look at the info as presented in this recent article in The Courier-Journal: About a year after Clear Channel, the No. -Loki]. Drive time. Four terrestrial radio companies in the Internet Audio Top 20 should help chase away some of those Friday the 13th apprehensions! Sure, it’s an external device, but still it’s a step along this road. France Bleu recueille 6,3% d’audience cumulée, soit 3,4 millions d’auditeurs quotidiens. Now they can’t self-edit themselves with the PPMs.”. Sounds effects and other important considerations – Llive recordings, music, music royalties, etc. Tags:California, consolidation, KPCC (89.3 FM), KPCV-FM (90.3), KUOR-FM (89.1), Pasadena, public radio, SCPR, Southern California Public Radio Posted in Audience, News, radio | Leave a Comment ». The real point is that I can get radio anywhere my phone can get a signal, allowing me to tune in to the stations back home in New Orleans from my living room (or the bus, or the coffee shop, etc.) Brown has received a lot of press — and little of it good — since he pled guilty last year to felony assault on his girlfriend of the time, pop star Rihanna. If you can discover which stations those are, you may have found the sweet spot in your marketing. Radio Business Report (RBR) brings us a summation: “What you find is a much more complex view of what’s going on with audio than we have been led to believe. Streaming stations are now accessed with an unprecedented ubiquity. It lacks that moment of discovery when you hear a song that grabs you by the lapels and shakes you, even though you know you’ve never heard the band playing it before. Crawford, chairman of KPCC’s board, and Mohn, vice chairman, contributed about $4 million each to the five-year capital campaign for the new headquarters. VIDÉO. Le week-end, France Info est 3ème radio avec 3,9 millions d'auditeurs. La généraliste de proximité est 3ème radio de France en part d’audience sur la matinale (7h-9h), ainsi que sur les agglomérations et communes de -20.000 habitants (40% de la population) sur l'ensemble de la journée. It was like a breath of fresh air. Speculation tends to run towards the idea that they are working on getting integrated tagging to work with iTunes Store. Here is a quick rundown from Radio Online: New metrics of “Session Starts,” “Average Active Sessions” and “Average Time Spent Listening” better capture the new methodology. I love y’all. Here’s a statement from the Jetcast CEO about this new endeavor, as taken from the press release posted on MarketWatch: “Our RadioLoyalty(TM) loyalty program is focused on helping Internet broadcasters succeed in the digital marketplace,” said John Williams, CEO of Jetcast. To understand why, let’s take a few steps back. The world five years from now will bear little resemblance to the one we know today, and looking at trends like these is what makes me confident of radio’s place in that future! Nielsen reports that 18- to 34-year-olds in the 51 markets monitored listen to the radio 21.5 hours each week. They also have access to the clear and present game changer: The App Store and direct iTunes access. La généraliste de Radio France est également la station leader des CSPI+ et des Cadres Supérieurs sur tous les indicateurs et des 25-59 ans en PDA. Emma Barnett, Digital Media Correspondent for The UK Telegraph, provides a statement from Chris Lawson, Absolute’s brand director: Mr. Lawson believes dabbl will be successful as it is tapping into the autonomy many music fans enjoy in the digital age and it still has the edge over newer services. Fueling this is the recent comScore study which find that 68% of consumers surveyed are “interested” or “extremely interested” in mobile phones that include HD Radio Technology. Here is a bit more on that subject from the same article: “The changes were made in response to requests from both the publisher and the agency community for measurement standards in keeping with other digital best practices. The interesting thing to me is that this is a new approach for radio in doing what it does best, building community. Oh, and one last thought. Move over, TV, step aside newspapers, and look out, Internet — radio has you all beat! Between the brilliant new production facilities and having three stations to work with, the growth is obvious. We’ll be watching to see how things progress! Rumor Mill: Apple Developing FM Radio App for iPhone? RadioWorld distills it down to one easily digestible percentage: Arbitron says that despite the popularity of MP3 players, mobile devices and Internet radio, radio reaches about 93 percent of Americans weekly. Image: Screenshot of Pandora on my iPhone, Tags:apps, broadcast, internet, Internet Radio, mobile, Pandora, radio, smartphones, Tim Westergren Posted in Audience, radio, streaming, Technology | Leave a Comment ». Apple’s announcement yesterday about the new iPad. I do think it is important to have a window into the audioscape of our listeners, even something you tune out can make an impression after repeat exposure. Like anything else, there is a “sweet spot” and help in getting there is sometimes required.

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